
The Olympics Effect: Insights on Paris Hotel Impact

Pricing data suggests that the business influx from the 2024 Olympics will extend beyond Paris to other French cities

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Leveraging Data for Boosting Hotel Group Sales

In the complex landscape of hotel group business, leveraging data has become critical in reshaping group sales strategies

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person looking at spreadsheets rather than using decision intelligence analytics technology

How to Switch from Spreadsheets to Analytics: 5 Tips for Hoteliers

These tips on switching from spreadsheets to analytics could prove useful and help avoid some common pitfalls organizations fall victim to

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What is Identity Resolution and Why Is It Important for Hotels?

Identity resolution is the cornerstone of an effective hotel data strategy, and it’s an element that benefits marketing and guest-facing staff

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person looking at graphs reflecting the importance of understanding the difference between top level kpis and deep dive analysis

The Importance of Top-Level KPIs vs Deep Dive Analysis

While top-level KPIs set a clear focus and direction, deep-dive analytics provide the necessary insights for tactical execution

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Develop Your First Party Data Strategy for 2024

Having a first party data strategy gives your brand a plan for how it will collect customer and prospect data and use it to deliver personalized experiences

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Are These 3 Hospitality Trends Raising More Questions Than Answers?

Whether it’s about hospitality technology or adapting to consumers’ behaviors, each new change or innovation should ultimately solve an existing pain

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Using Business on the Books in Complete Benchmarking Approach

Hotel owners and operators are best positioned for success when they measure their business from every angle. That is why no benchmarking experience can be considered comprehensive without frequent insight […]

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Thumbnail for video discussion The Future of Hotel Commercial Teams: It's Time to Evolve and Fly with HotelIQ

The Future of Hotel Commercial Teams: It’s Time to Evolve and Fly

The  hotel industry is at a pivotal moment, hyperpersonalization and need for commercial teams to have a 360 view of the customer is paramount

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Top 10 Tips to Understand your Audience this Festive Season

Understanding your audience’s preferences, behaviours, and expectations enables you to tailor marketing efforts, enhance guest experience and drive bookings

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