We are delighted to welcome Quality Track as an Expert Partner

Through this “Who Are We” interview we hear from Don Bundock, CEO of Quality Track, the company behind Group Metrix, as he explains their solution.

Don outlines what Group Metrix is by first explaining what they are not, then he explains how their service works, benefits hotels, costs associated, which often equates to a fraction of what hotels charge for a single room night and their Free Trial Month to help hotels experience its value.

If you would like to connect with Don, here is a link to his calendar:
Schedule a 15 Minute Call

And if you would like to take advantage of the free month trial, here is that link:
Offer Code: Trial25

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When I start talking about Group Metrix, people go, “oh, yeah, I got one of those”. They don’t.

I’m going to take the unusual tack and telling you what we do by telling you what we don’t do.

So what we’re not is we are not something that is going to help you with your mix decisions. We’re not a displacement analysis. We’re not trying to help you figure out which pieces of business are good for you. You know, with the catering, how does that fit in? Does it meet your mixed goals? We don’t do any of that. All of those things are what I call like inside the four walls of the hotel. That’s stuff that is all specific to you, and there’s lots of services that will do that for you. That’s not what we do.

We look outside the four walls of the hotel. Now, interestingly, no one would ever consider for a minute trying to do transient room pricing without knowing what their competitors are charging? And there’s dozens of services that will do that. There are not dozens of services that will do what we do, which is to do that for groups; provide you with basically a really good, verified outline of what your competitors are charging for groups.

And it’s not just the meeting room or the the sleeping room. It’s the meeting room, it’s catering, you know, how much is the the LCD TV rental is. There are the things like comp rooms that affect the room cost, fees that get added in all the time, resort fees, so you can’t just grab a room rate.

This information doesn’t really exist in the wild anywhere. It’s not on a GDS. So, that’s what we’re doing in there. And the way that’s different, and the box I’m trying to keep out of is the box where it’s inside the hotel.

We’re outside. We’re looking at all these variables, and we’re not we’re not telling you what you should be charging every quarter. We take the collateral material that we collect, and it’s voluminous. When we get proposals, you know, we get a group proposal, it’s got wine list and the AV stuff and all all this stuff. We get all that, and we accumulate it. Now that doesn’t change, you know, daily or weekly. Nobody’s yielding their wine list, you know. So it’s pretty static for at least the season, usually for a year, unless something really changes. So we gather that up, and then once a quarter, we go through and we pull out, sort of all those, all those versions of that collateral material, and we forward that to the hotel as well. So not only will you get the rates, you’ll also see how are your competitors presenting themselves?

A good way to to illustrate the pricing is I took a look at what the group rates we are getting from our hotels, just in all the data that we get back and the cost of the group metrix service on average, works out to between about a third and a half of what they are charging for a single room night, one single room

This time of year starting in August right through the end of the year, we know everybody’s up to their ears in budget season. So we have an offer that we always do for budget season, which is basically a free month. If we’re going to want you to put us in your budget for next year, I think it’s only fair that you should see what you’re going to get. So we kind of have a try before you buy thing.