
How to Improve Your Hotel Website in 4 Simple Steps

We can spend a lot of money trying to bring people and generate traffic to our site, but if our website doesn’t work properly, it’s like a leaking sink

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How to Provide the Best Customer Service Before Booking

There are many articles about customer service in stay. But they fail to address customer service provided before potential customers turn into guests

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image of standard room from Hotel at Six for a case study article with The Hotels Network

Key to Winning Over the Unlikely Booker (Hotel At Six Case Study)

Two separate trials were conducted on Hotel At Six’s direct channel: one specifically for visitors from Sweden and another for international visitors

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hijiffy image for press release on how deploying AI in hotels is now as simple as uploading one document

Deploying AI in Hotels Now as Simple as Uploading One Document

To improve hotels staff productivity and guest satisfaction, we have added a new set of tools focused on process automation and refinement of AI interaction

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What Makes a Good Hotel Website?

94% of website first impressions are design-related, so the design of your site must be something that is not only visually engaging but also easy to use

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Tips to Reduce “Leaky Bucket Syndrome” from your Hotel Website

Prospective guests are scouting trip locations, hunting for cheap rates, and perusing hotels website to learn about each brand offering and stay experiences

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The Top Hotel Website Design Trends to Follow in 2024

Incorporating current hotel website design trends, like AI, scrolling elements, and smart content, can help any brand stand out from the crowd

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A Deep Dive into Hotel Booking Sources

The source of a reservation is known as its booking source, and all booking sources fall into one of two primary categories: direct and indirect sources

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man being attracted by a carrot in the same way hotels need to win back business from otas

Ten Tips to Help Win Back Business from OTAs

20 years ago we ‘spilled all of our sweeties in the lobby’ and gave the OTAs our soul, and for the last 15 years we’ve been trying to win the business back

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8 Best Hotel eCommerce Strategies

Typical eCommerce includes online travel agents and agencies, booking engines, metasearch, and other third-party sites selling hotel rooms

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