How to Increase Repeat Guests at Your Hotel
Customer retention is the secret to healthy growth and profitability – it’s also how you turn guests into brand ambassadors
How Guest Reviews Directly Affect the Hotel Revenue
A hotel’s reputation has major influence on revenue through effects on price perception of guests, as a customer loyalty measure, and a marketing factor
These are the Review Channels Hotels Must Prioritize
We sought to uncover more specific influences besides common internet search engines to help determine which review channels should be the main focus
Strategies for Managing Distribution Channels in the Hotel Industry
Through these strategies, you’ll be equipped to navigate the complexities of distribution channels and offer exceptional guest experience
5 Ways Hotels Can Ease Traveler Budget Concerns
In this article, we will use insights from our survey to identify ways hoteliers can make a positive impact in easing traveler budget concerns
Branding Strategies to Transform Your Hotel into a Destination
We explore the transformational process of turning your hotel from merely a place for travelers to rest their heads, to a much anticipated destination
3 Steps to Leverage Guest Feedback During Peak Season
Peak season brings its challenges, but with some foresight and preparation, you can still ensure you meet the expectations of your guest
5 Examples of Hotel Managers Responding to Reviews Like Stars
Crafting stellar replies to reviews is easier said than done. In practice, it means a lot of time spent on addressing each review as a unique conversation
Disney-fication of Travel: Make Guest Experience Magic with Automation
Guest experience is a hotel’s lifeblood and therefore no hotel wants to misapply automation at the expense of crucial human interaction
9 Email Marketing Campaigns To Boost Revenue And Guest Engagement
Whether your goal is to boost revenue or enhance your guests’ overall experience, your email marketing strategy can make the biggest difference