
How to Get More Restaurant Reservations with Google

Getting the GMB basics right is very important so let’s look at a powerful way to drive bookings to your restaurant by adding a ‘Reserve a table’ button

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Google Highlights Tools and Partnership to Help Travel Recover and Thrive

The travel sector is beginning to show recovery signs. There are two free Google tools within Travel Insights that provide rich data and actionable insights

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Google Updates Q2: Page Experience Algorithm, GMB Updates and More

Lets now get into the key Google updates in Q2 for your business to be adapt with the latest and plan strategically to stay relevant and visible on search

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What Hotels Should Know About Cookieless Tracking & Google Analytics 4

We go into a bit more detail on Google Analytics 4 and how the change to cookieless tracking might impact your hotel’s digital marketing efforts

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Google Ads for Hotels: From Losing to Generating Revenue (Case Study)

There would be many things to say about the numbers, but let’s focus on the very core problem: were the Google Ads campaign underperforming for this hotel?

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attractive picture of a sandos resort hotel can be used in google ads to increase demand

Reducing Cost Per Booking Through Smart Bidding Google Ads Strategy (Case Study)

This success story explains how Sandos tackled the challenge of increasing effectiveness of investments in Google Ads, while controlling cost per booking

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Amazon Blocking Google FLoC Could Seriously Weaken Fledgling System

Last week Amazon added code to its digital properties to block FLoC from tracking visitors using Google’s Chrome browser

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image of princess grand bavaro resort used in mirai article about capturing more demand using google hotel ads

Capture Greater Demand Using Smart Bidding by Google Ads (Case Study)

By activating smart bidding strategies with a fine tuned target CPA, this clearly improved demand results whilst maintaining an adequate acquisition cost

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Google Hotel Free Booking Links – OTA Freedom or Competition?

For the direct channel, Google’s Hotel Free Booking Link represents a new opportunity to compete with OTAs and drive more direct traffic

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man being led by carrots reflecting the value to hotels of driving direct sales rather than relying on OTAs

How to Maintain or Increase Your Direct Sales Quota Post Pandemic

Ensuring your direct sales maintain their quota is in your hands. If you wait for everything to return to normal, OTA’s will be the ones to exploit change.

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