
Rethinking the Hotel Tech Stack for Optimal Revenue Optimization
Fully understanding and optimizing your search and booking data is critical for driving revenue and strengthening engagement with travelers
What Hotels Should Know About Apple Business Connect
Apple Business Connect uses Place Cards which allows you to control how people see your hotel. We recommend including information like:
Top Tactics to Drive Direct Bookings at Your Hotel
The loss of direct bookings has an unfortunate two-fold effect; losing revenue due to high OTA fees and inability to deliver a personalized guest experience
CCPA, CPRA and the Changing Privacy Landscape
For all qualifying hotels operating in the State of California, it’s crucially important to keep privacy practices and disclosures up-to-date and compliant
The Power of Integrating AI into Your Hotel’s Call Center
While AI is not designed to replace your entire call center, it can significantly allow those employees to give full attention to more complex reservations
Quick Wins For Conversions This Holiday Season
Creating a sense of urgency is a solid strategy for increasing conversions during a campaign. This is especially true for holiday sales
How to Create Alignment From a Fragmented Booking Funnel
The more vendors and programs you are using in the booking funnel, the more data sets you will need to weed through to determine the best course of action
Expedia Search & Sort Factors Update: What Impact for Hoteliers?
This August, Expedia Group is releasing new Search and Sort Factors in their marketplace that will affect how hotels appear in Expedia’s search results
Preparing Your Hotel For The Sunset of Google’s Universal Analytics
There’s no way to import your existing data into Google Analytics 4. That makes this transition quite the change project!
How Your Conversion Rate Is Affected By Parity Performance
How much additional direct revenue could you capture if you lowered the number of parity violations and proportionally raised your conversion rates by 56%?