How To Deal With Changing Trends in Hotel Demand.
The changing demand trends in the different markets, make it necessary to review our segmentation strategies and rate structure

7 Reasons Why an RMS Should be a Must for Hoteliers in 2021
Information sources provided by a Revenue Management System allow us to monitor the market in real time and be agile in detecting changes in trends
Beonprice and Juyo Analytics Announce an Exciting New Partnership
The two tech companies have formed a partnership to combine the strategic vision of Juyo with the operational vision of Beonprice in one integrated solution
Key Factors to Calculate Demand Forecasting
When projecting a point in time in the future and trying to anticipate demand, it can seem like making decisions based simply on experience or intuition
The Human Factor Behind Revenue Automation
We know the need for digital transformation, but it is the human factor that will guarantee the implementation success of Revenue Management technologies
Customer Lifetime Value: How Does Price Fairness and Price Identity Fit In? (Pt 2)
In Part 2 we look at how Price Fairness and Price Identity feeds into Customer Lifetime Value. We also take a moment to reflect on the Covid situation
Price Fairness and Price Identity: What Is It and Why Is It Important? (Pt 1)
In part 1 we talk about two topics – price fairness and price identity. In part 2 we will look at how these two elements feed into Customer Lifetime Value