coins stacked up at different heights reflecting need for game changing pricing strategies for effective revenue management within hotel sector

Game-changing Pricing Strategies For Effective Revenue Management

We discuss why pricing is so essential for your hotel and how you can design an effective strategy that generates consistent revenue streams

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thumbs up or thumbs down reflecting hotel reputation and the impact on hotel revenue

How to Manage Online Reputation and Boost Your Hotel Revenue

You, as a hotel owner or revenue manager, have the power to create a solid reputation that helps you build a successful brand

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hotel room keys reflecting hotel occupancy rates and possible impact on average daily rate (ADR)

Lead Time: What Is It, How To Calculate It And Why It Matters

Lead time is a formula used to calculate the time between a guest confirming a reservation at your hotel, and their arrival date

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man standing by a board with graphs and charts reflecting the purpose of revenue management and how to implement it

The Purpose of Revenue Management And How To Implement It

What is the purpose of revenue management, and why is it so important to design and implement an effective revenue strategy in your hotel

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letters spelling out the word pricing highlighting the current spotlight shining on algorithmic price fixing

What Is Fair Pricing And Why Does Your Hotel Need It?

Fair pricing is not about underselling or undercutting competition. It’s about finding the right balance between business success and customer satisfaction

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person with keyboard and graphs reflecting the power ai first business intelligence and analytics technology can have on hotel operations

The Key To Boosting Total Revenue In Your Hotel

Once you’ve identified each stage of the guest experience, you can move on to the next stage: defining potential revenue streams across many touchpoints

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train tracks reflecting different distribution challenges that could be helped by a channel manager

Channel Manager: Definition, Types And How To Choose One

Using a channel manager is the most effective way to keep on top of reservations so you can negotiate best rates and, ultimately, maximise your profit

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Improve Pricing Strategy, Competitive Position, an RevPAR case studies Beonprice article image

Improve Pricing Strategy, Competitive Position, and RevPAR (Case Studies)

It provided the opportunity to rethink pricing strategy, moving from a price level system to an open pricing system, which is more dynamic and profitable

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person sitting near an old piece of technology reflecting how hotel revenue management has evolved and needs the rms to evolve too

Hotel Tech: How to Make Sense of The Tool Jumble

Decide what are the most accurate hotel performance indicators, then define your objectives for each of them and build a plan on how to get the results

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man being attracted by a carrot in the same way hotels need to win back business from otas

3 Tips For Attracting Maximum Market Demand

The hotel industry has undergone drastic changes in last two years, we have seen a change in demand trends that require us to review our strategies

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