Blogging Inspiration: 12 Blog Post Ideas to Get Guests Clicking

When you’re busy running an apartment, hotel or B&B, it can be difficult to find a few minutes to come up with ideas for your accommodation blog.

NB: This is an article from BookingSuite

So, to save you time and give you inspiration, we’ve compiled 12 versatile blog post suggestions guaranteed to get guests clicking.

For a refresher on why a blog should form a key part of your online presence, check out our 8 golden rules for creating your hotel blogging strategy – where we also discuss the importance of posting regular guest-first content.

1. Listicles

As human beings, our brains are naturally attracted to a nice, ordered list. This makes list articles, or ‘listicles’, one of the best post types you can write, according to content marketing experts. Not only will the neat, easy-to-read format appeal to your guests, but it also allows you to use eye-catching numbered headlines. Think things like ‘10 things you might not know about [destination]’ or ‘Avoid the crowds: 7 beaches locals love’.

Almost any topic can be made into a listicle – including any of the ideas below. Get creative and see what you can come up with.

2. History and legends

Guests will always be hungry to know more about the history of a place. If your location draws visitors for its eventful past, historic architecture and ancient landmarks, why not share some stories or interesting facts that only locals are likely to know?

If guests tend to know very little about your destination’s history, then see this as the perfect opportunity to teach them. You could also share local legends, including ghost stories, superstitions and fairytales. Learning about all this will give guests a fuller picture of your destination and make their stay extra special.

3. Weather advice and packing guide

There’s nothing worse than arriving at a destination and realising you’ve packed the wrong clothes. By writing a season-by-season or month-by-month breakdown of the local weather, you’ll prepare guests for every eventuality, and become a trusted source of advice.

Take it further by writing a printable checklist of clothes needed for a visit during each season. If bug spray is essential in August, raincoats in April or you need swimming shoes to tackle the stony beach each summer, these are the things your guests will thank you for telling them.

Make sure you include a link to that post in your booking confirmation, or any other emails you send to guests after they book. That way you’ll be sure to reach the people who need the information most.

4. Celeb spotting

If your destination is the type of place that attracts the rich and famous, this makes for juicy blog content. You could write about favourite celebrity hangout spots, such as bars and clubs, or do a write-up on a restaurant owned by a world-renowned chef.

Maybe you’ve even met a famous person, or had a celeb stay with you at your property? These are the types of stories guests are always excited to hear.

5. A guide to off-season in your destination

Attracting guests in off-season can be a struggle. By writing a guide to these quieter months, you can entice travellers to book outside of the usual peak. They’ll be able to take advantage of the lower prices, while you enjoy higher occupancy rates at your apartment or hotel.

In terms of content, think about the things you love about your destination in the off-season. Tell guests all about the kind of activities available to them, and if the weather is cooler, write about the cosiest places to warm up with a hot drink.

6. 48 hours in your destination

If you get a lot of weekend guests, why not lay out a plan for the perfect weekend? You could create an itinerary of suggested activities for each day, starting Friday evening and ending Sunday afternoon.

Think about the best breakfast and brunch places in your neighbourhood, the most unmissable sights and attractions, and what you’d recommend guests do in the evening for an authentic experience.

Provide options for different budgets and guest types – families vs. couples, for example – or go a step further and create a series of posts aimed at different audiences.

7. Interests, passions and values

This type of post gives you a chance to connect with like-minded guests who share in your values. For example, if your property is eco-friendly and uses solar panels or other conscious technology, tell your guests about it and why it’s so important to you and your business.

You can apply this to any interest. Are you a keen gardener, serving up fresh produce from your garden in your hotel restaurant? Do you love to bake cakes for your guests? Showing personality and passion will endear you to bookers.

8. Local events

When you write about local events, you increase the chances that guests already searching for these will find your blog – and therefore, your property. You could start each month by listing the coming events, and even write a longer, separate post for larger happenings like festivals, carnivals and national holidays.

Include all the important details, like the date, time and location of each event, but don’t forget it’s the insider tips that will set your post apart from the rest. Suggest the best places to watch a parade or display, the easiest way to get to the event or the fastest way to skip the lines – guests will thank you for it.

9. Useful words and phrases

When travelling, it’s always handy to know a few words and phrases in the local language. You can help your guests by teaching them the basics – and, as a bonus, catch the eye of people already searching Google for vocabulary lessons.

Things like ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are a great place to start, as well as any other terms that will help guests get around.

Are there any specific terms that are only used in your town or city? Including these will give your blog post an edge over generic language guides – and bring a big smile to fellow locals’ faces as well.

10. App recommendations

Technology is such a big part of our lives that it can be a shock to arrive somewhere new and find that a tried-and-trusted app doesn’t work there. If there are destination-specific apps your guests should know about, consider compiling a post about them so they can download a few before their trip.

Can guests use Uber for getting around, or is there a local alternative? How do they order a takeaway? Are there any apps that provide special deals for local attractions? Set guests up for a smooth, stress-free stay by covering all these bases.

11. Local recipes

Do you have a particular local delicacy your guests can replicate at home? How about a tasty recipe passed down through your family? If you’re a property with a cosy, family-run feel, then something like this can really add to that home-from-home vibe.

Future guests might like to try making a local dish before their stay, while for people who have already stayed with you, a recipe can be a delicious reminder of their trip. Not only will you make previous guests yearn to come back, but you’ll also tantalise guests who are yet to visit.

12. Behind the scenes

A lot of love, dedication and hard work goes into running your property. Give your guests a glimpse of what goes into making their stay special by going behind the scenes. One way to do this is to write a ‘Day in the Life’ blog post, where you talk about a typical day at your property.

You could also interview members of your team – or get them to interview you. If you’re confident doing so, you could even create a video. Videos are a nice way to keep your content feeling fresh, and appeal to people who don’t like to read lots of text.

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