Hotels have a lot to gain during the Christmas season with everything from voucher sales, to Christmas parties, holiday stays and more. It is important that your hotel website takes this into consideration and ensures it will be present and ready for the holiday rush.
Whilst seasonal SEO is a highly debated topic, there is a lot of merit in making sure your site is optimized for the season. The season is fleeting, and it takes time for your optimization efforts to be noticed and taken into consideration, so why go through the trouble?
True, proper SEO can be time-consuming and laborious, and your whole index and ranking won’t change overnight thanks to a few mentions of Santa on your homepage. That said, there is a good chance that if you put the work in, you’ll be able to give yourself the upper hand over competition and increase both your visibility and traffic this Christmas.
Here is a checklist to get you ready for the holiday season:
#1: Create Relevant Content
Creating content surrounding the holidays and your hotel, will not only help give more information to guests about what you offer, but also provide an outlet for keywords-rich pages. An increase on your site of these holiday-specific keywords will help you to bring in valuable and targeted traffic. Consider creating an entire subsection of your site or creating a microsite to cater to this specifically and increase your standing.
#2: Clean Up Duplicate or Outdated Content
Nothing kills SEO quicker than a high bounce rate. Cleaning up old and outdated content will decrease your chances of a high bounce rate and improve your user engagement. This is equally true for duplicate content which will also incur a damaging penalty.