“World-first” is an overused phrase in travel technology, but Gatwick Airport, of all places, has made such a claim around a service which allows “connecting flights between low cost and full service airlines to be booked in a single transaction.”

This raises the prospect that airports could become a distribution channel for airlines, and is another example of the zeitgeist around airports and airlines working together.

The consumer angle – that the booking is financially protected if a connection is missed and a host of other soft benefits – also connects with personalization trends and the idea that the airport experience is not only part of the customer journey but also a revenue opportunity.

But before getting carried away, the Gatwick world-first is limited in scope, both in terms of the airlines involved and where the booking can be made.

As things stand GatwickConnects only includes easyJet, Norwegian and WOW flights, although these three airlines represent 52% of the airport’s capacity.

Only certain UK-based routes  are included in the initial phase, and the service is only available via a channel on www.gatwickairport.com and for people searching for flights from Skyscanner or Dohop.

At the time of writing, the service was not immediately obvious in the results on either site, but by manipulating the search filters on Dohop it is possible to find it.

Clicking on “select” takes you out of Dohop and onto the GatwickConnects channel where passenger  and payment details are filled in.

The site makes it clear that three transactions will take place – easyJet, Norwegian and the £65 to GatwickConnects.

Read full article at:  Tnooz