Why And How To Create A Great Landing Page

Do you invest in ad campaigns to promote your products or services? Do you send leads and clients to your home page or specific sections on your website when you carry out promotions? Although these are good strategies to drive traffic, simply sending them to your website will not necessarily mean you’ll generate any conversions.

One of your website’s main goals is to promote your business and various products and services to visitors. However, it was not necessarily designed to meet the precise needs of each ad campaign you deploy. That is why it is crucial to create landing pages in order to promote and hone in on a specific offer.

Did you know that 48% of marketers create a new landing page for each ad campaign? It’s now your turn to create your very own landing pages or optimize those that you already have!

What is a landing page?

A dedicated landing page is a page that is usually independent from your website and does not appear in your site map. It is therefore a unique and hidden page where visitors end up after having clicked on a PPC ad, Facebook post or newsletter, for example.

A landing page’s goal is to get a visitor to perform a specific action that leads to a conversion, such as provide contact information to sign up for something, buy a product, download or register for content, or request a quote for a service. Landing pages are great marketing tools that help to generate conversions or gather useful information on your customers.

Why is it important to create landing pages?

Did you know that offering targeted, relevant and detailed information on one page can increase your conversion rate by 55%? In reality, landing pages always achieve better results than a website. Why? A website presents a variety of different information and promotes a business or brand. However, a landing page has only one goal and showcases only one specific product or service. In addition, with a website, visitors can browse through all of its sections. On the other hand, with landing pages, visitors can only perform one action and click only on one button or link.

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