
How Cognitive Biases Impact Hotel Revenue Management

By understanding cognitive bias and implementing strategies to reduce their effects, revenue managers can make more informed and effective decisions

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laptop calculator graphs and dollars reflecting the importance of revenue management from a front desk manager perspective

Revenue Management from the Front Desk Manager Perspective

In the dynamic world of hospitality, where guest satisfaction is key, the Front Desk Manager must embrace revenue management to ensure a profitable hotel

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building blocks reflecting the importance for hotels to create a commercial strategy that will drive revenue

How to Create a Commercial Mindset that Will Drive Revenue

A commercial culture should be instinctual, something that is not only deeply embedded in the company but also entwined in the DNA of every single employee

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Booking Designated “Gatekeeper”; a New Era for European Hotels

The EC’s decision empowers hotels to connect with the right guests, drive guests to book direct, and grow loyalty and revenue with each guest

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empty hammock on a beach reflecting the need to conquer the high season with strong direct booking strategies

Conquering High Season: Direct Booking Strategies Hotels Need

The high season doesn’t have to be stressful. With the right strategies you can turn high season into a time of unprecedented growth and guest satisfaction

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OTA and Direct Booking: Finding the Right Balance

OTA dominance in the distribution space is hardly one you can ignore; almost 2-1 share of bookings. The primary drivers for this is their nimble nature

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Beyond Room Rates: A New Era with Attribute Based Selling

Here is a look at Attribute Based Selling from both the guest and hotelier point of view, as well as challenges and benefits of implementing such a strategy

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3 Guest Experience Tips from Award Winning Hoteliers

Sometimes a great guest experience is a big moment that stands out. But, more often than not, it’s the small details that make a stay memorable

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How to Deliver a Frictionless Guest Experience at Six Key Stages

At each journey stage you can turn a guest into a brand champion. Hotels that get it right can gain more referrals, positive reviews and increased revenue

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a winner holding a cup and a loser looking sad reflecting the impact of the recent EU Digital Markets Act - DMA - and the impact on hotel bookings

Who Are The Winners and Losers of Google’s DMA Implementation?

Whatever the final figure, it seems very likely that the DMA has actually benefited the major OTAs rather than the hotel industry.

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