
Fine Tune Your Hotel Forecast With Big Data

There’s more data available about your guests than ever before. Today, we’re learning about travelers who visited our websites, began searching dates and locations, but left without booking. NB: This […]

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Ensuring Your Data is YOUR Data in Hotel Technology

In an era where data is considered the new gold, the significance of data ownership for hotels cannot be overstated

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How to Segment Guest Data for Tailored Guest Experiences

From identifying key segments to utilizing the right metrics, we can turn data into actionable insights, ensuring every guest feels valued

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Data Driven Personalization: Are Hoteliers Missing the Mark?

Utilizing data available and adopting advanced personalization technologies, hotels can unlock significant revenue potential and nurture guest relationships

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How Small Hotels Can Capture Overflow From Big Events

Apart from leveraging local event data, small hotels can form strategic partnerships with event organizers, local CVBs, convention centers, partner hotels

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Why a Hotel Commercial Strategy is Now Non-Negotiable

A commercial strategy is critical for maximizing a hotel’s profitability and strengthening its direct relationships with guests

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money being put through a shredder reflecting the importance of choosing a dedicated data partner in revenue management

Importance of a Dedicated Data Partner in Revenue Management

By opting for a dedicated data provider, businesses can ensure they receive the unbiased and accurate data needed to drive revenue strategies

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Building Blocks of a First-Party Data Strategy for Hotel Revenue

We look at how to assemble first-party and zero-party data into a robust, revenue-generating strategy, and create picture-perfect guest experiences

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cloudbeds insight article image - redefining the PMS with native business intelligence

Redefining the PMS with Native Business Intelligence

Built entirely in-house, Cloudbeds Insights is native to their PMS and is designed to reduce the hotel sector’s reliance on industry-agnostic BI solutions

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steps going up reflecting the tactics to implementing data based pricing strategies

Steps to Implementing Data Based Pricing Strategies

Given the unpredictability of the current market, it’s key that hotels update their pricing based on the current supply and demand on a regular basis

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