woman and robots in front of computers reflecting the potential of an AI Response Generator for guest review replies

Guest reviews have never been more essential in shaping the reputation and success of hotels.

NB: This is an article from TrustYou

With so many choices available, travelers rely on feedback to make informed decisions and find the best option based on their needs.

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Review Responses Impact Bookings, Reputation, and Score

Besides scanning feedback, travelers also pay attention to how hotels respond to reviews. Here’s how review responses shape travelers’ behaviors – and can have a crucial impact on your bookings, guest satisfaction, and, ultimately, revenue: 

  • 9 out of 10 travelers who read review responses expect a response from the hotel.
  • 2 out of 3 guests will return if the hotel addresses their negative reviews.
  • 3 out of 4 reviewers expect a response within the first four days after they submit their negative feedback. 

Another study shows that hotels that start responding to reviews receive, on average 12% more reviews, with their ratings increasing between 0.12 and 0.5 stars within 6 months. Ratings are an essential criterion for travelers. In the booking phase, consumers filter through the options by looking at hotels with better scores. On average, it is estimated that a one-star increase can bring 5% to 9% more revenue for a hotel.  

A Consistent Reply Strategy Will Help You Differentiate from the Competition

Do you know that the response rate has consistently increased since 2019? Before the pandemic, the average global response rate was 39%. Our latest data for 2022 shows that this number is currently at 44%.

Evolution Of Response Rate 2019 2022
The response rate was calculated based on the reviews that can be responded to, excluding all sources that do not allow responses.

This data shows us two key things: 

#1 A review response strategy is no longer desirable; it’s a must. 

More hotels are actively managing their reviews. With a clear and consistent response strategy, you are more likely to attract and retain your potential and current guests against the competition.

#2 It’s critical to reply as soon as possible. 

When looking at the data, we noticed that some reviews received a reply even a couple of months after they were published. Responding promptly will help you differentiate yourself from other competing hotels.

How Does an Effective Response Strategy Looks Like?

A few elements will help you make the most out of your replies to reviews. 

#1 Response Structure

Our recent research on how travelers perceive reviews confirmed that these are the five key things guests expect in the hotel’s response:

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