social media

Take Direct Bookings Through Facebook

Now it’s time to get an even bigger return on those efforts by sending Facebook users straight to your online booking engine

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How Should Hotels Be Using Social Media?

A recent survey found nearly all social channels were ineffective in influencing major travel decisions. So, how should hotels use social media in 2023?

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Top 9 Strategies to Use TikTok in Your Hotel

If you want to your hotel in the spotlight of millions of people, you must post content on TikTok and make it part of your marketing strategy

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Conversational Marketing for Hotel Brands

Successful conversational marketing campaigns strike consumers’ curiosity so they are naturally inspired to talk about it or post about it on social media

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TikTok SEO for Hotels: How to Get Your Video Content Noticed

By understanding how to optimise your videos for TikTok SEO, you can increase your chances of being noticed and boost your hotel visibility

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How to Leverage Social Media to Increase Hotel Direct Bookings

Unlike your website, social media allows you to directly engage with your ideal guests, through likes, comments and even direct messages

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TikTok for Hotels – Can it Bring More Direct Bookings?

Seeing global hotel and travel companies on the platform with a huge amount of followers, shows us TikTok is not a channel that we can ignore

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Harnessing The Power Of Social Proof For Your Hotel Website

In today’s fiercely competitive digital landscape social proof can be your hotel’s saving grace, engaging online visitors and convert them to loyal guests

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Is Facebook Still An Effective Marketing Vehicle for Hotels?

Despite many predictions of a Facebook demise, the platform continues to prove its resilience and maintains its position as a powerful hotel marketing tool

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10 Ways to Engage Your Followers on Instagram

Instagram for Hotels: What to Post and Features to Use

Instagram has changed significantly. Here’s a breakdown of the different features and how they can be used in your hotel marketing strategy

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