
How Do You Leverage Your Hotel Rooms Market Segmentation

The analysis of market segmentation is the backbone and the business intelligence that fuels our revenue management strategies

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How to Use Guest Segmentation to Increase Hotel Revenue

You’ll understand why segmentation is important, how to segment hotel customers, what data to collect from your customers and how to turn data into bookings

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8 Effective Ideas to Boost Your Hotel’s Demand This Winter

Being prepared for low period season can help hoteliers to increase demand, better allocate hotel expenses and therefore to optimize its profitability

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How To Segment Your Hotel Mailing Lists

As customers have their inboxes flooded with messages, offers, and advertisements, how do you ensure your emails stand out? The answer is to segment

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Strategic Segmentation of Hotel Guest Personas

When creating guest persona segmentation, remember to make a start with at least a few and keep adding or modifying, as and when you identify more

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Finding New Revenue Streams for a Big Box Hotel (Case Study)

Whether a hotel’s revenue stagnation is caused by the pandemic, new competition, or something else, take a fresh look at business segments and channels

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Guest Segmentation: How to Reach Your Most Profitable Guests?

Remember also that guest behaviour keeps changing. Segmentation is not a “do it once and forget” exercise – keep digging into your data

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hotel revenue management demand forecasting is like adding pieces to a jigsaw puzzle

Key Factors to Calculate Demand Forecasting

When projecting a point in time in the future and trying to anticipate demand, it can seem like making decisions based simply on experience or intuition

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How to Find The Luxury Guests With Hotel Target Market

The growing popularity of luxury hotels globally is being driven by factors such as increasing consumer awareness, affluence, and changing lifestyles

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Automating Personalisation to Improve Customer Experience and Boost Revenue

Automating your guest personalisation does not mean bombarding them with loads of irrelevant deals or adding countless options to your booking engine

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