
How can Hotels Promote Sales During the Off-Season?

As challenging as it may sound, there are several tactics that you can implement to bolster your off-season marketing strategy

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Key Takeaways From 2022 for Hotel Revenue Managers

It’s the perfect opportunity to look back and reflect on some of the trends that have shaped the hotel industry, and hotel revenue management in particular

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How to Use a CRM to Reimagine Guest Recognition and Loyalty

Hotels can use their CRS and CRM data to discern a great deal of insight into guest preferences, booking habits, and aspirations

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christmas tree at a luxury hotel reflecting the importance now to boost holiday bookings over the festive season

‘Tis the Season to Boost Your Hotel’s Direct Bookings

Now is the time to take the reins and boost your direct bookings. We ho ho hope these examples inspire you to create your most festive holiday campaign

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Hold The Phone! 6 Tips for Converting Hotel Calls to Bookings

Every phone call should be treated as a critical opportunity to establish a positive relationship that results in a booking and, ultimately, a loyal guest

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woman and robots in front of computers reflecting the question of whether automated response tools increase guest satisfaction

The Power of Integrating AI into Your Hotel’s Call Center

While AI is not designed to replace your entire call center, it can significantly allow those employees to give full attention to more complex reservations

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How Can You Make The Most Of An Overbooking Strategy?

You can minimise the risk of having to walk travellers if you have a solid overbooking strategy; this can help you get the most out of overselling

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hotel room keys reflecting hotel occupancy rates and possible impact on average daily rate (ADR)

Lead Time: What Is It, How To Calculate It And Why It Matters

Lead time is a formula used to calculate the time between a guest confirming a reservation at your hotel, and their arrival date

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How Changes in Occupancy Affect Strategies for Maximizing Profit

Hotel owners and operators need to understand how changes in occupancy post covid affect strategies for maximizing  profitability

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Is Your Hotel Ready For The Shoulder Season and Winter Months?

We highlight some of the top concerns as we enter the shoulder season, and what steps your hotel should take to be prepared

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