
Price Parity Monitoring & Why Your Hotel Metasearch Needs It

While other metasearch solutions can take a week to alert a price parity issue, this is the only real time metasearch disparity monitoring tool

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Learning About Hotel Metasearch Bid Modifiers

Bid Modifiers in hotel metasearch allow us to adjust our default bid by a percentage at a variety of levels, targeting specific revenue needs

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All About Metasearch Management

Evaluating your metasearch campaigns depends on the objective you have set for your hotel. The goal of metasearch campaigns is to protect your hotel’s brand

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Making Metasearch Work For You

The metasearch landscape is developing fast. Many positive updates have been made by metasearch giants, one notable update being Google eliminating fees

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words search engine marketing on a blue piece of paper posing the question sem vs metasearch marketing

SEM vs Metasearch Marketing: 10 Strategies For Hoteliers To Try

SEM and metasearch marketing utilize paid advertising to help properties compete online for increased website traffic and direct bookings against OTAs

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What You Need To Know About Metasearch

In the hotel industry, distribution methods have changed a lot and professionals in the sector have seen their distribution channels multiply. NB: This is an article from WIHP Hotel marketing […]

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5 Benefits of Using Metasearch to Advertise Your Hotel

Metasearch can drive as much as 30% of a hotel’s online bookings. Besides giving a boost to direct bookings, here are five benefits of a metasearch presence

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millennial on a laptop possibly booking a hotel

What Is Hotel Metasearch Marketing?

Metasearch marketing is the use of metasearch engines by hotels as an advertising channel to increase exposure, build awareness, and attract bookings

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Metasearch: What In The World Are You Waiting For?

Metasearch is more productive and profitable than ever and, as the channel continues to grow and machine learning benefits compound at a campaign level

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The Role of Metasearch in Pandemic Recovery

Metasearch Marketing stands at the intersection of the 3 most prevalent marketing themes for 2022 – Google, Personalization, and AI.

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