
Make Guests the Architect of Their Experience to Drive Revenue

Why are hotels still assigning rooms to guests rather than letting them choose the room they want? Booking a hotel room shouldn’t feel like a gamble

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What the Best Hotel Loyalty Rewards Programs Have in Common?

Hotel loyalty points programs provide an easy opportunity for an independent property to establish loyal customers

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Most Common Guest Complaints and How to Handle Them

The more prepared you are to handle guest complaints, the less likely negative experiences will damage your hotel reputation and guest reviews

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Responding to Hotel Guest Reviews: How to Do It Right!

Responding to hotel guest reviews can be very time-consuming. There are a few tips to be as efficient as possible when dealing with this task

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How To Turn Negative Hotel Reviews Into Positive Experiences

Negative hotel reviews need not be detrimental to your establishment’s reputation. Instead, they can be valuable opportunities for growth and improvement

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How to Write Lead Nurture Emails That Actually Convert

In an industry where every touchpoint matters, lead nurture emails are a critical tool for fostering lasting relationships with your guests

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Personalization vs Privacy – What do Hotel Guests Prefer?

Personalization has become a hot topic, but the question is, when it comes to personalization vs privacy, what do your hotel guests actually prefer?

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How to Increase Repeat Guests at Your Hotel

Customer retention is the secret to healthy growth and profitability – it’s also how you turn guests into brand ambassadors

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traveller looking at a hotel review on a laptop reflecting importance of reputation management and it's impact on driving hotel revenue

How Guest Reviews Directly Affect the Hotel Revenue

A hotel’s reputation has major influence on revenue through effects on price perception of guests, as a customer loyalty measure, and a marketing factor

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These are the Review Channels Hotels Must Prioritize

We sought to uncover more specific influences besides common internet search engines to help determine which review channels should be the main focus

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