
Hotels Might Not Like Where Corporate Rate Discussions Are Heading

One company procurement director told us they are now looking at “dual rate loading” for 2021, with fixed and dynamic pricing in place for each property

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Terrible Times for Hotels What Might our New Normal Look Like

Terrible Times for Hotels – What Might our ‘New Normal’ Look Like?

If this crisis has taught us in hotels anything, it is to think the unthinkable. Only a few short weeks a drop in RevPar might have been our biggest concern

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3 Keys to Keep Group and Event Business Moving

COVID-19 has devastated the hotel group and event business. However, we feel now is the time to rise above the gloom and focus on what we can do to help hotels survive and prosper as we rebound

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COVID-19: Impact on Hotel Groups Business Update

Hotel Sales teams should still be selling, developing relationships, and prospecting. The only thing to consider is where you focus. Localization in your sales processes is the key to minimizing impact.

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Group Business Threat or Opportunity Room Type Displacement Model

Group Business, Threat or Opportunity: Room Type Displacement Model

The procedure is analogous to that of the simplified Displacement, that is, the value of the group must be added to what we have already On The Book (OTB) and we will obtain a first sales scenario

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Group Business, Threat or Opportunity: Simple Group Displacement Model

Group Business, Threat or Opportunity: Simple Group Displacement Model

Each time we do a group quote we must evaluate the impact this has on the date of stay in the booking time, but also the selling of remaining capacity to the exclusion of other profitable segments

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Don’t Leave These Group Bookings On The Table

While data suggests a decrease in group bookings, hotel DOSMs hoping to tap into new or additional markets to shore up group business need to look outside the 3rd party meeting planner tools

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The Care and Feeding of Revenue Managers

Revenue managers are a unique breed. The language they speak is not always compatible with that of group sales people. This means the two departments often have an adversarial relationship

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Think Like a Revenue Manager: 5 Tips to Up Your Group Business for Profitability

If sales and revenue management can understand what they each value in their decisions, together they can better support one another and achieve the overarching goals of the hotel.

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7 Essential Hotel Reports to Boost Group Business

To stay ahead of the curve in the competitive group business market, hotel management companies must track how properties are performing today, while watching for opportunities in the future.

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