Analytics and data

When it comes to analyzing the big amounts of Big Data that hotels and brands generate, the hospitality industry uses a variety of tools – which aren’t necessarily well-integrated – to try to achieve an overall view of their customers.

The basic observation that Big Data analysis poses a challenge isn’t new.

Even so, hoteliers are still working to find the best unified approach to close the gap between the ability to gather customer data and the ability to leverage that for actionable insights.

In recent weeks, we asked hospitality industry visitors to our website to tell us what systems they use to mine guest data, and in what combinations. The results paint a picture of an industry that’s still deciding how best to approach gathering and analysis.

hotel systems used to manage guest data

We asked respondents to tell us which of these systems their hotels use to manage customer data: property  management systems, central reservation systems and systems for business intelligence/analytics or customer relationship management (CRM) systems.*

Forty-four percent of hoteliers said they use just one type of system to manage guest data. About 16 percent said they use all four of those types of systems to collect and analyze, while another 16 percent said they use a property management system … and nothing else. In all, 37 percent said their companies use three, four or five systems to gather and manage customer information.

Read rest of the article at: 4Hoteliers