MINNEAPOLIS – January 12, 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and advisory services, today announced a free online program for all academic institutions that uses learning materials and demo systems to help teach revenue management in the classroom.

“IDeaS is committed to preparing the next generation of revenue management professionals and helping educators in doing so,” said Linda Hatfield, vice president of knowledge management for IDeaS. “It’s critical that students of the hospitality industry graduate ready to work in hotel management. Our Academic Partner Program will help support academic institutions across the world to ensure that a strong knowledge of revenue management will be a skill their students can carry into their professional career.”

The free Academic Partner Program includes access to the “Academic Portal,” a web-based resource hub which houses learning tools including the award-winning “Revenue Management Challenge” game, IDeaS’ pricing and revenue management solution and student tracking to support educators in the development and offering of revenue management courses.

The program aims to support what professors are currently doing in the classroom and can be incorporated into their teachings however they see fit.

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