Why Your Hotel Needs a Video Marketing Strategy

Video is quickly becoming one of the most popular digital content formats. In a mobile-first world, video ad formats allow advertisers to reach their audience with highly targeted messaging across social media platforms and various websites.

The Benefits:

1. Optimise Reach and Awareness

Video is currently the fastest growing online media. Since the launch of Youtube almost 13 years ago, video has come a long way. Live streaming, for example, is a trend that is growing from strength to strength. It allows you to promote your brand and share content in a more interactive manner, by reaching out to your audience in real time. Not to mention 365 Video, a type of live and augmented reality. According to Forrester Research, people retain 58% more with both visual and auditory stimulation, so its no wonder video marketing is thriving!

There are so many options with regards to video that are now available to marketers. Think YouTube, Instagram/Facebook Stories and Instagram/Facebook Live. This means that the more platforms you have to share your video, the more opportunity lies to reach a larger audience.

2. Amplify Your Marketing Message

Creating a video is the perfect opportunity to show your brand’s face. For example, interviews with employees/customers or behind the scene looks into the workplace will provide your audience with a better idea of what your property is all about. This will increase their trust with your brand and in turn, will amplify your message to them.

Furthermore, we all know how important it is to ensure your marketing strategy is mobile optimised. Video is an ideal format for mobile-users. There are various platforms such as Facebook, which are becoming predominantly mobile first and are enabling advertisers to use various types of video to build their brand.

Developing Strategies:

1. Categorise & Maximise Material

It is important that you consider your important verticals, such as Weddings, Rooms, Spa and Golf. Tailor your video content accordingly to them. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated! A good tip is to maximise your existing material. For example, use photography that has already been taken. Another idea is to bring previously written articles or blog posts to life. If you already have an interview with an employee posted, accompany it with a video to give your audience a proper sense of who they’re getting to know.

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