Pods & Vids

price optimisation what why how demo time atomize interview youtube thumbnail

Price Optimisation: The What, The Why and The How

We explore factors influencing price optimisation, number of calculations involved, why you can’t optimize without some technology and resistance to engage

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Is Hotel Revenue Making It to the Bank Revenue Hub YouTube Video Thumbnail

Is The Hotel Revenue You Generated Making it to The Bank?

We look at common risks which may be hampering the journey of your hotel revenue through to the bank, ways to resolve these and how to continually improve

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man holding a sparkler reflecting how independent hotels can strike a spark and blaze a trail with the commercial strategy role

Independent Hotels Can Blaze a Trail to The Commercial Strategy Role

We talk about the ‘new kid on the block’, the Commercial Strategy Role – that overarching role encompassing Revenue, Marketing and Sales

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userguest expert partner who are we interview video thumbnail image

New Expert Partner: Userguest

Hicham introduces us to Userguest, their solution, client profiles and some future gazing. Finally touching on data privacy, GDPR and a cookieless world

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hotel forecasting in the new normal has anythgin changed video thumbnail discussion with veit meier of berner+becker

Hotel Forecasting in The New Normal – Has Anything Changed?

We look at what impact the pandemic, technology adoption and staffing issues has had on forecasting, what we forecast and how often we review it

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franco grasso revenue team expert partner who are we interview video thumbnail image

New Expert Partner: Franco Grasso Revenue Team

Franco Grasso introduces us to his company, their core service, typical client profile, why he got started and what value they bring to their clients

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is revenue strategy just a pipedream for most hotels video thumbnail

Is Revenue Strategy Just a Pipedream for Most Hotels?

Without changing the focus, the questions asked, and metrics measured, surely revenue strategy just exists as another recurring seminar topic

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thumbnail image for who are we discussion with new revenue hub expert partner howsmyrate

New Expert Partner: Howsmyrate

Kris Introduces us to Howsmyrate, their core solution, cost effectiveness and customization flexibility through the utilisation of Google Data Studio

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thumbnail for coffee time discussion with glen coben and jacqueline villamil of strategic solution partners about how design can drive revenue and profitability in an f&b outlet

How Design Can Drive Revenue and Profitability in an F&B Outlet

In this discussion we look at an F&B design case study which increased guest experience, improved value proposition and impacted revenue generation and cost

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video thumbnail for coffee time chat with erik munoz of lybra about unified decision data for hotel revenue and digital marketing teams

Value of Unified Decision Data for Revenue and Digital Marketing

In this conversation we explore the value of unified decision data for both hotel revenue management and digital marketing teams

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