Rate Parity and Flexible Rates No Longer Enough to Drive Direct Booking
If prices are identical on OTAs and the hotel website, nearly 70% of respondents prefer to book on OTAs, and only 30% prefer direct booking
Positive Signs Emerge for Europe’s Hotel Industry
After two years of pent up travel frustration, new flight and hotel search data indicate that consumers are planning to travel this spring and summer
Direct Booking: Photos and Videos Now More Important Than Reviews
Most hotel marketers will agree that in today’s fast-paced and attention-deficit online environment, we have less than a few seconds to make a memorable first impression. NB: This is an […]

Bing Hotel Price Ads, a New Showcase for Your Direct Sales
Bing Hotel Price Ads is an opportunity to recover sales from customers who are searching for you but end up with the OTAs because they bid on your name

Why Are We Still Allowing The OTAs To Gain The Upper Hand?
OTAs are just a channel… nothing more. This is your hotel, your guests, you provide the service to make your customers feel welcome, but check your T&Cs
5 Tips to Drive Direct Bookings
Let’s focus on how to drive direct bookings, the challenges with winning them, strategies to get them, and ways to truly measure their value
Hotel Distribution Jungle: New Distribution Models, NFT & Metaverse
Besides the traditional OTAs, there are new business models arising that are making the hotel distribution landscape even more complex
Parity Under Control? Are You Monitoring the Right Price Sources?
Hoteliers can no longer simply rely on the old way of monitoring parity – you need to be keeping track of rates on metasearch too
How to Distribute Inventory Effectively Through the Best OTAs
With the explosion of OTAs, it’s unrealistic to expect all inventory to be sold directly. Additionally, not all travellers will be aware of your existence

The Marriage of Revenue Management and Marketing
Stephanie and Connor look at areas where revenue management and marketing can work together in a blissfully happy marriage of knowledge and expertise