
YouTube thumbnail image for discussion with Strategic Solution Partners about their Talent Trends Study and the potential future hotel workforce crisis

Talent Trends Study: A Future Hotel Workforce Crisis?

We touch on a number of topics from the study, looking at foreboding trends, challenges for education institutions and how the industry must adapt

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Boosting Customer Service Scores: Strategies for Hotel Operators

Improving customer service scores is critical for any hotel aiming to enhance guest satisfaction and maintain a competitive edge

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image of an empty chair in a run down building reflecting the impact to hotels of open executive positions and loss of momentum and revenue

Cost to Hotels of Open Executive Positions and Loss of Momentum

Today we look at Hotel staffing and the impact an executive opening can have on a property – momentum is a key word here

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Four Strategies for Hotels to Survive Among New Entrants

In an ever-evolving tourism marketplace, it’s increasingly apparent that established and older hotels should take proactive measures to stay competitive

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In Era of Expensive Debt Poor Management Drives Hotel Distress

There are economic headwinds and there are issues with capital stack structures, but a great hotel is run by a great general manager

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A New Approach to Hotel Management Fees

While both hotel operators and owners stand to gain from adopting the management fee structure proposed, hurdles are anticipated

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Empower Hotel CEOs: Remove the Profitability Roadblocks

Hotel CEOs must understand their property’s fiscal year outlook to navigate decisively. This means addressing critical questions like:

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Hotel Brand Overload: The Coming Shakeout

In summary, brands must find a way to differentiate themselves and develop “tribes” of customers who identify with their particular brand

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Beyond Apologies: 7 Keys to Service Recovery After a Mistake

Just as your minor missteps resonate, so does the praise when a company acknowledges its mistake, apologizes, and provides a genuine and human solution

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Exploring Costs and Tools in the Seven-Step Guest Journey

By effectively managing the costs, tools, and strategies at each phase, hoteliers can create a seamless and memorable experience for their guest

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