
different coloured pawn pieces reflect importance to hotels of market segmentation to improve offers, revenue and satisfaction

Market Segmentation – Still The Holy Grail!

Which kind of market segmentation can be beneficial and feasible for you and which advantages can be derived from them

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neon hotel vacancy sign reflecting need for hotels to adopt effective revenue management strategies around their room inventory

Revenue Management Is Only For Room Rates: Myth Debunking

While it’s true that pricing plays a crucial role in revenue management, it’s merely one aspect of a broader, more complex strategy

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How to Conduct a Displacement Analysis For Your Hotel

The key metric in such an analysis is displacement: the revenue potential lost – or displaced – by a hotel, incurs when accepting one booking over another

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Beat the Competition: How to Select the Right Comp Set

Regularly reviewing and updating your comp set will ensure your benchmarking remains relevant and you continue to capture a larger market share

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Crafting a Strategic Reputation Action Plan for Your Hotel Portfolio

Post-pandemic, hotels felt insulated within their 4-star reputation, but one-in-five travelers would not look at reviews that are more than two months old

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10 Ways to Use Automated Messaging in Your Hotel

The most challenging part of creating conversational guest messaging is knowing where to start. But staying connected with guests has never been easier

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7 Simple Ways to Personalize the Guest Experience

A good PMS allows you to record stay history, contact information, and other details in guest profiles, so you know what makes each person tick

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Pre-Arrival Communication: 4 Ways to Wow Hotel Guests

But the goal is not just communication – it’s to create positive guest experiences that translate into brand loyalty and repeat business

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Event Image Hotel Hot Seat Day 2 RMS to the Rescue

Hotel Hot Seat Day 2: RMS to the Rescue (Event Re-Run)

Day 2 of HOTEL HOT SEAT features RMS by Lybra, Hotellistat, XLR8 and BEONx. Revenue management expert speakers include

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the word marketing spelt out with scrabble tiles reflecting the importance to hotels of taking an holistic approach to marketing

Holistic Hospitality Marketing

A holistic marketing approach involves a 360-degree view of all hotel marketing operations to identify improvement areas and growth opportunities

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