person holding a mobile phone with icons overlayed reflecting the value to hotels of automated messaging to enhance guest experience

Imagine this: From the moment a guest books their stay until their final farewell, you can offer personalized communication that leaves a lasting impression. In today’s fast-paced world, SMS automation is revolutionizing how hotels interact with their guests, ensuring every interaction is seamless, timely, and meaningful.

NB: This is an article from Actabl

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Believe it or not, meaningful and memorable interactions with your guests do not have to be in person. In fact, with the development of SMS automation, the hospitality industry is discovering innovative ways to engage with guests, ensuring their needs are met promptly and efficiently. This shift not only enhances the guest experience but also brings many operational benefits to hotels.

The most challenging part of creating a conversational message with a guest is knowing where to start. Here, we’ll discuss how the automated messaging is transforming hotel operations and guest services, from room status automation to individual messages. You’ll gain tangible ways to leverage text automation, including 10 key examples you can implement immediately!

Text Message Automation

Staying connected with your guests has never been easier. With Alice by Actabl, teams can schedule automated messages based on guest reservation status and arrival or departure date. As providing a personalized experience is of utmost importance, scheduled messages from templates that your team has built pull information from your guests’ reservations (guest name, guest prefix/title, and room number).

What do the messaging templates look like in action?

  • When a guest’s reservation is updated to “Checked In,” they will receive an automated text message welcoming them to the hotel with additional hotel information.
  • 48 hours before a guest’s arrival date, they receive an automated text message asking them for their arrival time and a link to the in-house amenities, encouraging them to make reservations.

Room Status Automation

One of the more common requests a front desk team receives is, “Can we get an early check-in?.” The queue formed after this request can sometimes feel unmanageable for front desk attendants. Even when a room is ready, reaching out to each guest individually is time-consuming.

Room Status Automation allows teams to provide housekeeping-related updates to their guests through messaging templates that have been automated based on room statuses. This allows teams to identify which guests want to be notified when their assigned room is ready. Once the housekeeping team has marked the room as inspected, the templated message will be sent, notifying the guest that it’s time to check in!

Read the full article at Actabl