What Is Content Marketing?
You might say it’s what drew you to this blog post.
According to The Content Marketing Institute, a resource for information on all things content marketing, content marketing is:
a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.
Essentially, it’s marketing without the obvious markings of advertising and marketing. Usually, it involves the creation and sharing of material (such as videos, podcasts, guidebooks, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but nevertheless stimulates interest in its products or services.
When you provide content that’s of interest to a potential guest, they associate your hotel positively with that information.
What’s the Benefit of Content Marketing for Your Hotel?
Content marketing benefits your guests because you’ve created and offered them something of value. Generally, people appreciate being helped or entertained much more than they enjoy being blatantly marketed at or given the hard sell on something. That tends to turn people off, nowadays. If you give potential guests the benefit of your knowledge or cleverness, they’ll begin to build an affinity with your brand and may end up becoming a customer or recommend you to a friend.
And not only does your content make people happy, it makes Google happy. Regularly posting content to your website that people use and recommend to friends will seriously improve your SEO.
How Do You Get Started with Content Marketing for Your Hotel?
Doing content marketing well for your hotel does take a little extra time. But it’s well worth it. If you turn it into a regular part of your routine, it will come more easily and with more benefits.
You need to create content! But what and how? The following steps will walk you through the best way to come up with a piece of good content for your hotel. Once you’ve done one, simply repeat.