The new frontiers of hotel revenue management

If the person at your hotel in charge of room booking is singularly focused on top line revenue, there’s a chance you’re missing out on bottom line profit. As booking becomes more competitive and customer acquisition costs rise, it’s time for your revenue manager to maximize profits in a holistic way.

Jeremie Catez, former revenue manager at Accor’s Novotel Times Square and the founder of Beewake, knows a lot about this.

At Accor, Catez implemented a Revenue Management culture through the entire property; not just in sales, but in the restaurant as well as at the front desk. Catez also started selling guest rooms during the day in order to maximize profitability.

Now with his new company Beewake, Catez lets users book daytime space – rooms at hotels, meeting rooms for day use, office spaces, desks or coworking spaces – to make it easier for hotels to leverage underutilized guest rooms and meeting spaces for an additional revenue stream.

Here are highlights of a discussion with Catez about ways to reimagine the revenue management role:

Start with a reexamination of the name

Jeremie Catez: The biggest problem with the revenue management status quo at hotels right now might be in the name. If revenue is the sole priority, how much opportunity for profit is being missed? It makes a lot more sense to be focused on profit. Since the battle for hotel bookings and distribution has increased costs, and more hotels are being owned by private investors, it makes sense that the job description be much more focused on profit management than revenue.

Alex Shashou: That’s a great point, Jeremie. In most industries, companies have a holistic appreciation of revenues and costs. Yet hotels seem so focused on rates and occupancy, there is a lot of opportunity being missed. One hotel client of ours goes so far as to rate their guests for cleanliness. If a housekeeper can save a few minutes turning each room, there are cost savings to be had. Or, if you have two people sharing a room, spending more on F&B versus a single corporate traveller who doesn’t eat at the hotel, there is more revenue per booking to be had. Yet with revenue managers almost entirely focused on attracting bookings, who is responsible for factoring all these other revenue opportunities into the equation?

Establish a more reliable customer lifetime value for dynamic pricing

Jeremie: We have to start looking at lifetime value of our customers and adapting around this dynamically through as many data points as are available. Hotels are getting there, but there’s a way to go. Most hotels aren’t recording rich enough data in their CRMs to even begin charging dynamically around the value of the guest and their costs of service and ancillary spend on hotel services. Ideally, everyone should see different prices.

Alex: We have seen this model many times, often relating to a guest’s social status, but are yet to see hotels really push the boundaries of a CRM that is integrated into all the guest’s spending and habits.

Expand the scope beyond rooms

Jeremie: Yes, that was my personal experience and a big driver behind my founding Beewake. Too often revenue management is focused too exclusively on the room. Revenue management at a hotel should be more holistic in its scope. In addition to the room, there are the facilities, Wi-Fi provision, meetings and events and F&B, just to name a few other opportunities.

The airlines are an example of true unbundling of services for profit maximization. There’s obviously a trade-off though when it comes to customer satisfaction and the selling of every single ancillary service.

Alex: We ask this question of our hotels and the industry so often. If people can sell their extra time driving Uber or delivering Postmates, why can’t hotels sell their excess (and fixed) inventory? I have yet to see a hotel go so far as to sell their own employees spare capacity! But car parking spaces by airports, and the above examples from Jeremie are opportunities to add to the bottom line without increasing costs.

Hit the sweet spot

Jeremie: What’s not immediately obvious is that pushing occupancy isn’t a guaranteed profit generator. A higher occupancy comes with a higher cost of wear.

Read rest of the article at: eHotelier