
3 Ways to Start Boosting Your Hotel’s Incremental Revenue Today

Offering ancillary services isn’t just about boosting revenue. First and foremost it’s ensuring your guests have the perfectly tailored stay they desire

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wallet with money and cards reflecting revenue management drive to increase share of wallet per guest

How Hotels Can Increase Share of Wallet with Incremental Offers

Every extra service offered at the right time, not only delivers higher guest satisfaction but extra revenue for your hotel and increased share of wallet

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9 Guest Upselling Insights for Summer 2021

Upselling – digital or front desk, is a great way to remind guests of what they might have missed during the booking process and showcasing services

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envelope and email icon reflecting value of email marketing campaigns

The Importance of Cadence & Relevance in Hotel Email Marketing

Not only is email marketing cost-effective but it also provides one of the best ways to generate revenue by extending offers to customers

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monopoly hotels on piles of coins which are increasing in size to illustrate increasing value of hotel upselling

How to Optimize Upselling in Your Hotel

As the hospitality sector eagerly gears up to open their doors and welcome guests once again, how you can make the best out of upselling for your hotel

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Automating Personalisation to Improve Customer Experience and Boost Revenue

Automating your guest personalisation does not mean bombarding them with loads of irrelevant deals or adding countless options to your booking engine

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Two pieces of a puzzle with the add sign between them showing it equals a lightbulb drawn with chalk indicating technology integration is key going forward

Roomdex, the Upsell Innovator, Releases Full 2-Way Opera PMS Integration

Hotels using OPERA PMS and OXI can now leverage automated digital upselling to increase profits through full 2 way integration with Roomdex

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Smart and Effective Hotel Upselling Through Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning technology is critical to upselling because it takes the guesswork out of what to offer when to offer it, and how to price it

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hotel upsell kpis and analytics

ROOMDEX Introduces Hotel Upsell KPIs for a Profitable Recovery

Hotels recognize upselling offers an opportunity to maximize revenue. However, without KPIs it is unlikely an upsell program will operate at maximum profit

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Upselling with Storytelling

Sometimes the best way to get a guest to book an offer is to make them smile. Use funny copy and visuals to get your upselling noticed and drive conversions

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