
Evolution of Chatbots in the Hospitality Industry and Key Benefits

We look at the critical role of chatbots in hotel industry, highlighting the benefits of their implementation and the essential features to consider

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ROI of CRM: Measuring the Impact on Hotel Revenue

When looking at the ROI of CRM, it’s important to see beyond financial metrics and recognise the enhanced guest experiences and streamlined operations

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Understanding Your Guest Profitability

There are two important aspects of guest value: share of wallet and time. It begins with determining what the economics of the guest look like

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Connecting the Dots Rates, Reviews, Reputation and Demand Hotellistat Discussion YouTube Thumbnail

Connecting the Dots: Rates, Reviews, Reputation and Demand

We look at the data, the potential value, and examples of correlations and cause-effect relationships that could benefit hoteliers

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person with a magnifying glass following footprints reflecting the revenue management trends coming up when looking at real world hotel examples

Hotel Revenue Trends of 2023-2024 With Practical Examples

The revenue trend insights presented here offer a glimpse into the key drivers that are shaping the hotel industry’s financial landscape

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SWOT Analysis of the Revenue Manager and RMS Technology berner+becker video discussion YouTube Thumbnail

SWOT Analysis of the Revenue Manager and RMS Technology

We look at the various strengths and weaknesses of a Revenue Manager and the strengths and weaknesses of a Revenue Management System (RMS)

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How Hoteliers are Using AI for Revenue Management

The key to revenue management is following data trends and using insights to set the right pricing, AI is perfectly suited to support this hotel function

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car engine depicting how a revenue management system can be the driver of the hotels success

Revenue Management Systems: The Key to Unlocking Hotel Success

Ensuring optimal pricing, predicting market flux, and providing strategic insights, a Revenue Management System aids hotels in carving out a distinct niche

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coloured strands coming together to make the shape of a head reflecting the merging of ai chatgpt and machine learning with the human element

How to Make the Most of AI and ChatGPT at Your Hotel

While AI and natural language models like ChatGPT are still in their early stages, it’s already worth exploring the benefits they offer

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Why an RMS Is Not Enough: Hotels Need a Profit-Oriented Approach

Where consumer expectations and industry landscapes continually evolve, sticking to a single-dimension strategy like an RMS for room revenue is insufficient

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