Cancellations Rates: Where do They Stand and How to Overcome Them?
Covid did not create cancellations, but it will perpetuate them. Hoteliers must understand the patterns because it helps determine how to combat the issue
10 Ways Hotels Can Win More Repeat Customers
Hotels that place greater emphasis on maintaining long-term relationships with existing guests rather than pursuing new ones benefit from higher profits

Why Direct Selling is Experiencing its Sweetest Moment
Direct selling, both telephone and website, has gained a large share of sales during the pandemic, demonstrating its great sales capacity and resilience
Hotel Booking Engine: How to Boost Direct Bookings
To attract the share of direct sales they’re losing, hotels must match OTAs perceived convenience. One way to do this is implementing a booking engine
How Hotels with Nimble Technology Have an Advantage
Hotels are going to fill up; no doubt about that. Properties with the most agile platforms will be most effective at pricing and yielding highest RevPAR
9 Proven Strategies to Increase Hotel Occupancy
There are a few statistics that stay top-of-mind for any hotel manager. Occupancy rate is one of the big ones – and with good reason
Could Hotels be Back in the Distribution Driving Seat?
Despite early predictions that the OTAs would dominate the distribution landscape, direct bookings are on the up and phone reservations are resurgent
Upselling with Storytelling
Sometimes the best way to get a guest to book an offer is to make them smile. Use funny copy and visuals to get your upselling noticed and drive conversions
5 Paths to Unique Upselling for Happier Guests
Upsells that respond to common requests are a great place to start upselling. But why stop there? You can get as creative as you like with your offering
How Can You Increase Family Bookings Through Your Website?
People are dreaming, researching, and booking their next staycations. This includes family groups, who will make up a huge chunk of the staycation market.