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HiJiffy – “Who Are We”: In Conversation with Tiago Araújo

Through our conversation you will hear more about HJiffy, as we dig deeper into the backstory of how the company came about and the reasons for starting it

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14 Hotel Email Templates to Refine Guest Communication

Whether persuading a guest to book again or reminding them of an upcoming trip, an email is invaluable to your marketing and communications strategy

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What Do You Need to Do to Get a Guest to Return?

Understanding guest behavior is the foundation of any effective guest retention strategy. As is recognizing the diverse reasons for travel and preferences

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9 Ways to Build a Guest-Centric Hotel

A guest-centric hotel (or a customer-centric operation) prioritizes guest needs and satisfaction over everything else. NB: This is an article from Mews It’s all about creating a personalized experience for guests to […]

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Artificial Intelligence: New Frontier for Elevating the Guest Experience?

Without a doubt, AI has made a significant impact on the hospitality industry, and it brings a lot of value in terms of enhancing the guest experience

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The Shift from Room-Centric to Guest-Centric Revenue Management

The shift to guest-centric revenue management presents challenges for revenue managers who have long operated within traditional methodology frameworks

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Digital Communication Strategies to Drive Hotel Revenue

In this digital age, hoteliers no longer talk at guests but with them, wherever they are – from your website and email to SMS and guidebooks

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The Psychology of Luxury Travel: Key to Attracting Affluent Customers

Like with any demographic, luxury travel shoppers require a dedicated approach to drive the consumer from consideration to purchase.

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The Marketing Genius Behind Charging for Hotel Breakfasts

By delving into the intricacies of value perception, contrast effects and psychological barriers, hotel marketers can create experiences that resonate

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man on laptop possibly a hotel guest booking a room online

Hotel Booking Psychology: Understanding the Guest Journey to Yes

From the initial spark of desire to travel to the final decision to book, multiple factors play a role in shaping the guest booking decision

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