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6 Free Google Tools Hotels Should be Using

Here are some free Google tools you can use to help make data driven decisions and understand trends for your market and specific location

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hotel neon sign switched on just like they should their digital marketing

Hotel Digital Marketing Recovery – Where to Put Your Marketing Dollars

Finding that “sweet spot” of where and how to utilize marketing efforts can be fuzzy right now, but take a step back and consider these things discussed

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Hotel Strategies to Target Drive Market Post Pandemic

Hotel Strategies to Target Drive Market Post Pandemic

It is a commonly held theory that the transient drive market will be the first segment to start to venture out. Here are some ideas your Hotel can do when the time is right in your market

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Hotel Digital Checklist for Temporary Closure

Temporary Closure Digital Checklist for Hotels

In this video we are talking with Stephanie Smith as she takes us through her 8 point digital checklist for Hotels where they need to temporarily close or suspend operations

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How to Build Quality Backlinks For Your Hotel Website

Finding backlinks should be built into the sales and marketing plan and addressed quarterly to determine opportunities. If your hotel does not have a marketing teamd, this may fall to sales

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cake layers like different hotel distribution channels

What Is a Good Channel Mix for a Hotel

If you are not regularly looking at your Channel Mix, incorporate it into your team’s analysis. Revenue Managers, as a whole, generally do not look at Channel Mix as a data point.

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Independent Hotels can Learn from Big Brand Marketing

Independent Hotels can Learn from Big Brand Marketing

You have to know your competition to beat your competition. NB: This is an article from Cogwheel Marketing There has been a debate for years, if not decades, about which […]

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Your Digital Marketing Checklist

10 Items to Include in Your Hotel Marketing Budget

If you do the marketing budget when you build the marketing plan, you can determine segments with opportunity and create a plan broken down by month that includes events, trends and seasonality.

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IHG Now Offers Landing Pages and SEO

IHG Brand websites received an upgrade with functionality that allows you to do custom call to action buttons on the home page. NB: This is an article from Cogwheel Marketing Located at […]

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book with marketing terms like content and seo

How to Distinguish Your Hotel From Other Marriott Properties and Your Comp Set

These combined components are essential when optimizing your Marriott brand website via search engine optimization. When you have finished here, consider optimizing your OTA listings.

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