Pods & Vids

Global Revenue Forum – January 30th 2025
Global Revenue Forum 2025 will explore whether the hospitality industry is optimally positioned to capitalise on profit opportunities emerging

The DMA Games Begin: Booking’s Response and Google’s Trial
Javier talks about the recent European Commission DMA compliance workshop, Booking’s response and Google’s trial search changes
The EU DMA: Impact on Google, Booking.com and Beyond
We discuss the hugely important topic of the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and its impact on major platforms like Google and Booking.com
What Questions to Consider Before Investing in an RMS
In this interview we discuss what hoteliers should consider before investing in a Revenue Management System (RMS)
Blastness “Who Are We”: In Conversation with Piergiorgio Schirru
In this “Who Are We” interview we hear from Piergiorgio Schirru of Blastness, about their solution, geographical focus, typical client profile and backstory
Hotel M&E Revenue Optimization Supports Total Revenue Strategy
We explore the importance of M&E Revenue and the correlation between M&E revenue share and technology adoption
Bookboost “Who Are We”: In Conversation with Daan de Bruijn
“Who Are We” interview with Daan de Bruijn, co-founder of Bookboost, discussing their solution, geographical focus, typical client profile and backstory
Group Metrix “Who Are We”: In Conversation with Don Bundock
Don outlines what Group Metrix is by first explaining what they are not, then he explains how their service works and benefits hotels
Search Generative Experience and Potential Impact for Hotels
He outlines challenges and opportunities hoteliers face in a Google dominated landscape and the potential effects of Google Search Generative Experience
Hotel Hot Seat Day 2: RMS to the Rescue (Event Re-Run)
Day 2 of HOTEL HOT SEAT features RMS by Lybra, Hotellistat, XLR8 and BEONx. Revenue management expert speakers include