
Breaking Free from OTAs with Paid Search (Case Study)
The property needed a proactive way to reach general market guests before or just as they were considering shopping OTAs and bring them to Brand.com
How OTAs Ranking Work: You Could Be Killing Your Revenue!
The way your hotel ranks on those OTAs can make or break your visibility. But it’s not as simple as having the lowest price or the most reviews
6 Ways to Increase Your Hotel Ranking in OTA Searches
The importance of ratings and reviews in the hospitality industry cannot be overstated and it’s no different with an OTA
The Importance of OTA Revenue Recovery to Maximize Profits
Without routine OTA revenue recovery audits, revenue leakage can accumulate unnoticed over time, potentially affecting a hotel’s overall profitability
Booking: The Gatekeeper That Won’t Let Go – What Can You Do!
Hotels should take advantage of recent developments by demanding compliance from Booking on price and guest data transparency
The Secret to Boosting Your OTA Revenue: Description Optimization!
By optimizing descriptions, you increase the chances your hotel will appear in the top search results, driving more bookings and maximizing your OTA revenue
Are OTAs Like Priceline a Suitable Channel for Independent Hotels?
Let’s examine three of the biggest OTAs in the market to help you make informed decisions about your distribution strategy
How to Turn OTA Exposure into Direct Bookings
The true failure lies not in receiving OTA bookings, but in failing to convert those OTA guests into direct booking customers in the future
Strategic Distribution Insights: Achieving a Balanced Strategy
To optimize distribution and enhance profitability while maintaining a superior guest experience, it’s crucial to adopt a balanced approach
Booking’s Algorithm is Changing: How Should Hoteliers Adapt?
Booking are smart, and they’re not going to let a designation keep them from maintaining their dominant position in the EU hospitality landscape