Expert Insights

image showing universal analytics and google analytics 4 as part of a cogwheel marketing article comparing the two

10 Differences Between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

Following is a high-level list of the many differences you can expect when your Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 migration is complete

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man standing in front of calculations and algorithms reflecting the multi levels of hotel revenue and how important it is that the revenue manager and general manager work in synch

Ten Questions a GM Should Ask Their Revenue Manager

So Mr. Fabulous GM, what should you be asking your Revenue Manager at your weekly meetings and what conversation should this spark?

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coins being added to a glass jar with the shoot of a plant growing from the top reflecting how cost based pricing ensures if hotels sell their rooms then that are guaranteed to make a profit

Price Integrity in Hotel Revenue Management: Strategies and Tips

The objective of price integrity is to ensure transparency and avoid misleading customers with incorrect or unjustified pricing information

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hedges in shapes of houses with leaves changing colours reflecting the pressure on seasonal hotels to adopt sophisticated revenue management strategies

Hotel Pricing Strategies for Peak, Middle-Season, and Off-Peak

Hotel pricing is a dynamic process influenced by various factors, including location, competition, customer preferences, and seasonality

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hotel guests at a luxury resort which faces different strategic revenue management challenges

Think Your Guests are Too Luxurious for Digital? Think Again

Many luxury hotel GMs believe that ‘digital’ is contrary to the brand image of their premium product in the mind of their affluent guests

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hotel distribution seven deadly sins article image by mirai taking inspiration from a drawing by Antonio Manetti depicting hell as described by Dante

The Seven Deadly Sins of Distribution

Following the path of virtuosity in the marketing ecosystem, we must try to avoid temptation and stay away from the seven deadly sins of distribution

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a heart reflecting how important it is for a hotel to enhance the guest experience to build a strong reputation and loyalty

36 Actionable Ideas to Enhance Hotel Guest Experience

You must use what you know about your hotel guest segments to craft personalized touchpoints throughout the guest journey to deliver impactful experiences

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two puzzle pieces coming together reflecting new innovative revenue optimization products launched by LodgIQ

Rethinking the Hotel Tech Stack for Optimal Revenue Optimization

Fully understanding and optimizing your search and booking data is critical for driving revenue and strengthening engagement with travelers

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person with multiple laptops reflecting importance to a hotel of revenue management automation to ensure managers can focus on strategic issues and what is most important

What is Revenue Management Automation and Why is it Key?

Revenue management automation has been around for a number of years now. However, we now need to start thinking about automation at a higher level

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graphs which could reflect different pricing amongst competitor hotels and why hotel rate parity is so important

What Is Hotel Rate Parity and Why It Is Important

Hotel rate parity is essential in today’s competitive landscape. Here is some advice that can be useful when trying to achieve it

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