
Using Loyalty Game Mechanics to Increase Revenue Per Seat

Leveraging from loyalty game mechanics requires data collection, loyalty tracking, and booking integration. Do your frequent flyers go out of their way to spend more with the airline?

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Using Data Intelligence to Understand Your Customers

The outcomes from the data intelligence can be used to fuel real-time decision-making engines, to identify customers at risk of churning away from your business and much more.

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Simple Actions To Increase Loyalty Revenues

What are simple actions frequent flyer program owners can take to increase loyalty revenues? Frankly – many frequent flyer programs today are behind the 8-ball in today’s competitive environment. On […]

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Low-cost Airline Distribution Channels

Airline distribution is complex. On one side of the airline industry, we have legacy carriers mostly represented by full-service airlines. Since the late 70s, legacy airlines have used a complicated […]

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Measuring Loyalty: Tracking Passengers Who Fly With Competing Airlines

What would your frequent flyer program do if the most valuable frequent flyer started flying with a direct competitor? Would the program know? What loyalty tracking mechanism provides you with […]

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How Airlines Can Boost Ancillary Revenues

Ancillary revenues, the money airlines make from sales and fees for products and services such as food, checked bags, and extra legroom, have become a topic of great interest for […]

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NDC: Airlines, GDSs, and the Impact on the Industry

Two fundamental needs connect all airlines: revenue and passenger satisfaction. To satisfy customers, carriers seek ways to learn more about their clients and provide a set of additional services like […]

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Miles Ahead: How to Improve Airline Customer Loyalty Programs

Without a new approach, airline loyalty programs risk alienating many customers. Since American Airlines created the industry’s first successful customer-loyalty program, in 1981, almost every carrier has followed suit. These […]

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What is Likely Impact of Blockchain in Hospitality – Where Are We Now?

Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG)’s recent whitepaper, Blockchain for Hospitality, not only increases awareness on the emergence of this new ledger technology but serves as a practical knowledge framework for hospitality […]

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Disrupting Airline Loyalty – Billion Dollar Risk Airlines Are Taking

Globally, airline loyalty programs generate billions of dollars in sales every year. They are the pinnacle of all loyalty programs, and they’re what every company dreams their loyalty program could […]

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