
PMS: Does Your Hotel's Heart Need a Bypass? Event Replay thumbnail

PMS: Does Your Hotel’s Heart Need a Bypass? [Event Replay]

Is the PMS truly the “heart” of the tech stack? Or is it the CRS/RMS; we know those companies would claim that each is the true “heart” of any property

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HTA 101 - Business Intelligence Turn Data Into Dollars Online Event Thumbnmail

Business Intelligence: Turn Data into Dollars [Event Replay]

Wondering what Business Intelligence solutions are & how they can help optimize your revenue management strategy? Confused about all the high-tech buzzwords

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HTA 101 - Revenue Management The Price Is Right Online Event Thumbnail

Revenue Management: The Price Is Right ….. Or Is It? [Event Replay]

As more hoteliers adopt revenue management systems, and implement demand-based pricing strategies, how can hoteliers ensure their hotel stays competitive

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Hotel Digital Marketing Where Does Mid and Upper Funnel Fit In mirai YouTube Thumbnail

Hotel Digital Marketing: Where Does Mid and Upper Funnel Fit In?

In the previous video we took a closer look at the lower funnel, in this third video we look into both the Middle and Upper Funnel

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Is US Hotel Industry Heading Inadvertently to Over Commoditization? strategic solution partners coffee time chat YouTube discussion thumbnail

Is US Hotel Industry Heading Inadvertently to Over Commoditization?

Is the US Hotel industry in a race to the bottom? Is it at risk of over commoditization where price becomes the only differentiator?

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Digital Marketing Lower Funnel What Is It and Why Important mirai YouTube Thumbnail

Hotel Digital Marketing Lower Funnel: What Is It and Why Important?

What is the lower funnel, where does it fit into hotel marketing activities and why is it (possibly) the most effective use of digital marketing investment

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hotel digital marketing 101 episode 1 video thumbnail mirai recording

You Might Have Built It, But Will They Book? Digital Marketing 101

You have a hotel, you have a website but does anyone know about it beyond your listing on OTAs, this is where Digital Marketing comes in

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State of German Hotel Market Through Summer And Into Winter berner+becker interview youtube thumbnail

State of German Hotel Market Through Summer and Into Winter

We review how the different German hotel sectors have faired this Summer and what might happen as we head into the Autumn and Winter

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Market Segmentation: Back To Basics As We Recover berner+becker youtube thumbnail

Market Segmentation: Back To Basics As We Recover

Continuing our theme of back to basics, we follow up our last discussion around forecasting, this time we focus on segmentation

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Biggest Challenges Sales Team Face as Group Demand Returns (Part 2) ssp video thumbnail

Biggest Challenges Sales Team Face as Group Demand Returns (Part 2)

In Part 2 Paige offers advice and solutions hotel sales teams can take on board right now to be better prepared as group demand continues to increase.

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