
How to Choose the Best Payment Processor for Your Direct Channel
The entry into force of PSD2, means it is time to think about implementing a good payment processor or PSP and integrate it into your booking engine
How to use Retargeting to Generate and Convert Demand for Your Hotel?
Retargeting is fairly simple to set up, needing minimal time and resources on your part. Customized ads are more likely to catch attention of future guests
Drive Higher Occupancy At Your Independent Hotel With A Marketing Plan
It is very tempting to think that slashing rates will sell more hotel rooms and improve direct bookings. NB: This is an article from ARO Digital This may work as […]
How Can Boutique Hotels Boost Midweek Occupancy and Revenue?
Consider low occupancy periods as an opportunity. These six ways to increase hotel room occupancy are as effective as they are practical
U.S. Cancellations All Time High, Europe Fails to Respond to Vaccination
Despite the positive news surrounding vaccinations in Europe, it still seems that European travelers have given up somewhat on travel
Preparing Your Hotel for January Sales
January has typically been one of the strongest hotel booking months of the year. This is one reason why it’s important not to wait until after Christmas
Increase Your Luxury Hotel Occupancy Rate And Drive More Revenue
Increasing your hotel occupancy rate is the most basic step to success in luxury hotel marketing solutions as room sales directly related to revenue and profit NB: This is an […]
Hotel Recovery: A Three-Phase Approach As Travel Demand Increases
Optimising all parts of your hotel website and digital strategy will enable you to quickly pivot your offering as needed and ensure long term success
5 Lessons From an Irish Hotel Securing Direct Bookings During Lockdown
By adopting and trusting these tactics for optimizing direct booking conversions, you can build a solid foundation for future reopening
No Place Like Hotels for Holidays: Targeting Leisure Travelers this Winter
Although covid has had an huge impact on hotels, data projections still expect an influx of travelers this winter holiday season