Is Google Really Giving Away Free Hotel Ads Space?
Google is now putting stronger emphasis on enhancing their hotels search offering to improve the user experience by offering free booking links in Hotel Ads
Mediterranean: What Summer Destinations are Tourists Looking At?
The Mediterranean countries, which together used to attract a third of the world’s tourists, are trying to revive the industry but not everyone is committed
Digital Marketing Strategy Which Helps Luxury Resorts Gain New Guests
Content which is engaging, interesting, and relevant to their values will resonate far more than generic marketing or sales messages
Booking’s Sponsored Benefit is Just Discount for Advance Payment
The “Booking Sponsored Benefit” is nothing else but “discount for advance payment” which is applied to the customer when the following conditions are met:
Hotel Room Wholesalers: Who Are They and What Do They Do?
Wholesalers can play a major role in the way you distribute your hotel rooms and rates. They will never distribute your inventory directly to travellers
Rethinking Hotel Distribution Channels
Every hotel uses similar tools for distribution and OTAs have become a commodity. That means it’s harder for smaller hotels or chains to stand out
Free Booking Links in Google Hotel Ads, What Does it Actually Mean?
Google is putting a strong emphasis on enhancing search for hotels to not only improve user experience, but give advertisers more campaign optimizations
How Hoteliers Can Update Facebook Tracking in 20 Clicks
If you’ve logged into Facebook Ads recently, you’ll probably have seen a warning to prepare your ad account for iOS 14 changes. This is a mandatory update
The Top 3 Features to Look for in a Hotel Booking Engine
As travelers increasingly book hotels online, having a booking engine will make all the difference between staying competitive and giving up direct business
The Hotel Website You Didn’t Know You Had
What was once a simple directory listing with a link back to your website is now Google’s central hub for your hotel, aggregating review and pricing