
people with speech bubbles above their heads with stars inside reflecting guest hotel reviews and the potential impact on hotel revenue management strategies

How Do Guest Reviews Impact Revenue Management Strategies?

By understanding the influence of guest reviews on booking decisions hoteliers can maximize revenue potential and maintain a competitive edge in the market

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Top 10 Global Hotel Booking Channels for 2023 Revealed, Agoda and Traveloka continue to hold the top three positions, bringing in the highest revenue for partner hotels

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GDS vs. Channel Manager: Which is Right for Your Hotel?

In the realm of hotel distribution and connectivity, two essential tools are often in the spotlight: GDS vs Channel Manager

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Crucial Online Distribution Channels for the Hotel Industry

We explore various types of online distribution that every hotel should embrace to maintain their prominence in the eyes of potential guests

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CRS Quickly Becoming Central Hub of Hotel Distribution Strategy

In today’s complex distribution landscape, more hotel companies are transitioning to a CRS-centric strategy to leverage the advantages

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Future of Hotel Distribution is Based on Data-Driven Commercial Strategies

It is time to bid farewell to gut decisions and embark on the path of data-driven hotel distribution, by leveraging data, numbers, and facts

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train tracks reflecting different distribution challenges that could be helped by a channel manager

Strategies for Managing Distribution Channels in the Hotel Industry

Through these strategies, you’ll be equipped to navigate the complexities of distribution channels and offer exceptional guest experience

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What are the Key Aspects of Effective Channel Management?

In a dynamic landscape of hotel distribution, maximizing the performance of distribution channel management is crucial to stay competitive and drive revenue

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hotel distribution seven deadly sins article image by mirai taking inspiration from a drawing by Antonio Manetti depicting hell as described by Dante

The Seven Deadly Sins of Distribution

Following the path of virtuosity in the marketing ecosystem, we must try to avoid temptation and stay away from the seven deadly sins of distribution

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Cost of Customer Acquisition a Key Factor in Hotel Profitability

The cost of hotel customer acquisition is what you pay to acquire a new guest. That includes marketing, reservations and the cost of serving the guest

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