business intelligence

Don't Be Afraid! Dive In and Embrace Data to Drive Hotel Revenue HotelIQ Video Youtube Thumbnail

Don’t Be Afraid! Dive In and Embrace Data to Drive Revenue

We are talking about siloed, disparate, small data across a hotel tech stack and the value of bringing this data together to make commercial decisions

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Escape KPI Paralysis: Streamline Your Hotel’s Performance Metrics

Three essential aspects should be considered in-depth when deciding on the crucial KPI metrics for a specific hotel

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image of HotelIQ Decision Cloud, the next generation analytics & BI solution recently launched

HotelIQ Launches Decision Cloud: Next Generation Analytics & BI Solution

HotelIQ’s Decision Cloud enables hoteliers to make better, faster business decisions, even across siloed operational departments, increasing revenue

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Hotels Move Beyond RevPAR For Comprehensive Business Intelligence

While RevPAR remains a useful metric, it must be considered alongside others to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a hotel’s financial performance

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It is decision intelligence, not business intelligence that is key, hoteliq video youtube thumbnail

It’s Decision Intelligence, Not Business Intelligence, That Is Key

Apo defines decision intelligence; outlines how data is only valuable when organised, analysed and acted on; why forecasting is not a one snapshot task

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thumbnail image of coffee time discussion with apo demirtas of hoteliq about the way hotels forecast, why it is done wrong and is outdated

Why the Way Hotels Forecast is Wrong and Outdated

Welcome to another of our Coffee Time chats. Today we talk about the way Hotels Forecast and why the current method is wrong and outdated

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