hotel cloud technology

Offering the convenience of one fully integrated solution from one vendor to satisfy all of the Hotel’s IT needs is the main aim of the next generation of software providers and of huge benefit to hoteliers.

Being a specialist in just one element of the operational IT systems is no longer the most viable option in the hotel sector. Companies are now focussing on supplying a ‘one-stop’, multi-functional solution that delivers all property management, distribution and digital marketing requirements in one fully integrated package for the hotel.

With technology advancing every day to meet the needs of today’s traveller, it is no surprise that hoteliers are drawn to more streamlined systems to increase revenue, reduce operational costs and drive profit margins.

Along with cloud technology, fully integrated systems can revolutionise the way businesses operate. They can improve efficiency by saving resources and driving productivity which delivers the added bonus of giving the staff more time to attend to guest needs.

One integrated solution, that encompasses property management, online booking modules, channel distribution and PCI compliancy, can reduce costs and resources with streamlined processes and increased automation, all facilitated in real-time.

It’s of paramount importance that a hotel’s PMS software is fully integrated into the distribution, online booking and central reservation platforms to enable hoteliers achieve maximum occupancy at the most profitable rate.

Having an integrated solution that can operate and act as the nucleus of your property’s operations offers endless benefits. Real-time connectivity allows changes in rates, bookings and availability are updated across all channels instantaneously.

Not only do these automated processes streamline operations and drastically reduce operational costs, it also eliminates the need for staff to carry out somewhat time-consuming and mundane daily tasks.

They also allow hotels to sell down to the last room and reduce manual keying-in errors and double bookings – errors that could potentially lead to more financial penalties and guest inconvenience.

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