Could New TripAdvisor Subscription Program Help Save Hotels?
2020 was a terrible year for U.S. hotels. Last year, thanks to the pandemic, occupancy sat at just 44%, down from 66% the year prior. NB: This is an article from Motley Fool […]
Is Google Really Giving Away Free Hotel Ads Space?
Google is now putting stronger emphasis on enhancing their hotels search offering to improve the user experience by offering free booking links in Hotel Ads
Booking’s Sponsored Benefit is Just Discount for Advance Payment
The “Booking Sponsored Benefit” is nothing else but “discount for advance payment” which is applied to the customer when the following conditions are met:
Hotel Room Wholesalers: Who Are They and What Do They Do?
Wholesalers can play a major role in the way you distribute your hotel rooms and rates. They will never distribute your inventory directly to travellers
Rethinking Hotel Distribution Channels
Every hotel uses similar tools for distribution and OTAs have become a commodity. That means it’s harder for smaller hotels or chains to stand out
Free Booking Links in Google Hotel Ads, What Does it Actually Mean?
Google is putting a strong emphasis on enhancing search for hotels to not only improve user experience, but give advertisers more campaign optimizations
BenchDirect! The First Benchmarking Product for Direct Booking Channels
The launch of BenchDirect is a natural progression providing hotel brands with a totally new and much more powerful benchmarking tool
Hotel Distribution 2021: What’s New?
Hotel Distribution, which is our our battlefield, will be affected by an increasing number of players who will put forth various actions to win the deal
Increase Your Hotel Revenue in 11 Easy Ways.
Increasing hotel revenue is easier said than done, especially in the current climate. But there are many ways to boost hotel revenue which are overlooked
Is Hotel Distribution Winning the Battle to Capture Demand in New Normal
For hotels reviewing their approach to capturing demand in 2021, accessing up to date data from across their hotel will provide a competitive advantage