
“Upselling” the Value of Investing in Revenue Management

Hotel owners whose priorities align with property-level management on value of investing in revenue management will thrive in boom years to come

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view out of car with satnav reflecting how hotels can drive profitability with precision by utilsing ai and the pivotal role it can play in revenue management

Intelligent Price Automation: A Lesson From Satellite Navigation

Setting your price based on historical trends and knowledge of the market is like setting off on a journey using a map or old school GPS

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Beonprice “Who are We?” – In conversation with Emilio Galán

Emilio introduces us to Beonprice, it’s solutions, their core differentiators and how their aim is to empower Revenue Managers through their solution

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empty dilapidated hotel due to no guest demand

Getting Ready for Returning Demand with the Right Revenue Strategy

There’s no set timing for full, world-wide reopening, but we can be sure once governments give the green light, local and regional demand will come quickly

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Lybra Announce Integration Between Lybra’s Assistant RMS & MasterYield’s PMS

Thourgh integration MasterYield’s PMS reservations data will populate Lybra’s Assistant, enabling the RMS to provide the most accurate real-time rates

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4 Issues That Can Lower Your Hotel Forecast Accuracy

Revenue Managers may achieve top line forecasted revenue within 1-2%. But achieving a consistent hotel forecast at the segmentation level is rarely possible

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algorithms and view through a key hole indicative of hotels needing to look forward and consider both revenue management tactics and strategy to really excel

Simplify with Tech – Best Strategy for Revenue Managers 2021

Revenue Managers have the reputation for working with number focused, unwieldy reports. Those can be hard to follow for department heads less familiar

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Not All Data is Good Data: Build an Accurate Future Vision With Your RMS

It is the hotel with the most accurate data, not the greatest amount of data, that has the upper hand in planning future promotions and driving demand

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Atomize “Who are We?” – In conversation with Alexander Edström

In this discussion we talk about how a chance conversation between one of the founders and a hotelier led to the idea to build Atomize

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Lybra Announces Two-Way Integration with GP Dati Scrigno PMS

Lybra, developer of the Assistant, is proud to announce a two-way integration with GP Dati’s Scrigno PMS, a cloud suite of hotel management solutions

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