Market Segmentation – Still The Holy Grail!
Which kind of market segmentation can be beneficial and feasible for you and which advantages can be derived from them
Revenue Management Is Only For Room Rates: Myth Debunking
While it’s true that pricing plays a crucial role in revenue management, it’s merely one aspect of a broader, more complex strategy
How to Conduct a Displacement Analysis For Your Hotel
The key metric in such an analysis is displacement: the revenue potential lost – or displaced – by a hotel, incurs when accepting one booking over another
Beat the Competition: How to Select the Right Comp Set
Regularly reviewing and updating your comp set will ensure your benchmarking remains relevant and you continue to capture a larger market share
Hotel Hot Seat Day 2: RMS to the Rescue (Event Re-Run)
Day 2 of HOTEL HOT SEAT features RMS by Lybra, Hotellistat, XLR8 and BEONx. Revenue management expert speakers include
Leveraging AI for Dynamic Revenue Optimization
Dynamic revenue optimization is the practice of adjusting prices in real-time based on demand, market trends, and various other factors
Empowering Hotel Revenue Strategy Through AI and Causal ML
Should revenue managers interact heavily with an AI RMS or trust automation? What is the impact of overrides on revenue?
Hotel Hot Seat Day 1: RMS to the Rescue (Event Re-Run)
Day 1 of HOTEL HOT SEAT features RMS by RoomPriceGenie, Atomize, Right Revenue & Flyr. Revenue management speakers include
Revenue Management: From Spreadsheets to AI Based Systems
The introduction of AI based systems marked a significant turning point in Revenue Management with algorithms, big data analysis and real-time processing
Strategically Upselling Hotel Rooms to Boost Revenue
Upselling strategies enhance experience, are tailored to guests and shouldn’t feel like a hard sell. Importantly, it should be used over the guest lifecycle