How Can Hotels Use Half Board or Full Board to Drive Extra Revenue?
Let’s look at the commonly offered board packages. Why would someone book half board vs full board? How can hotels use these to drive extra revenue?
3 Ways to Start Boosting Your Hotel’s Incremental Revenue Today
Offering ancillary services isn’t just about boosting revenue. First and foremost it’s ensuring your guests have the perfectly tailored stay they desire
How Hospitality is Adapting to a Contactless World
Contactless tech is here to stay, and we’ve already seen how it doesn’t need to be a barrier to good service – in fact, it can enrich a guest’s experience
Guest Surveys for Advanced Guest Insights
To better understand what your guest wants out of a visit to your hotel, you’ll need to understand two crucial factors
How to Get an Effective Hotel Guest Engagement Strategy
If you want to stand out in the mind of your guest and create loyalty, personalising their journey and showing you care about pleasing them is the solution
Connecting With Your Guest Must Be a Long Game for Every Hotel
Marketing budgets have been cut due to the crisis, but that mustn’t hinder hotels from exploring cost-effective or free strategies of reaching their guests
9 Guest Upselling Insights for Summer 2021
Upselling – digital or front desk, is a great way to remind guests of what they might have missed during the booking process and showcasing services
Guest Segmentation: How to Reach Your Most Profitable Guests?
Remember also that guest behaviour keeps changing. Segmentation is not a “do it once and forget” exercise – keep digging into your data
2019 vs 2021: New Guest Feedback Benchmarks
By using guest feedback information to tailor your product offering to the market most likely to return soonest, you stand to recover as quickly as possible
10 Ways Hotels Can Win More Repeat Customers
Hotels that place greater emphasis on maintaining long-term relationships with existing guests rather than pursuing new ones benefit from higher profits